- How do you wear stars on ribbons?
- Main part of a lesson plan
- Define fracture
- When do you use a tourniquet?
- Depth of close order drill
- Foot for command of execution
- Where was USMC born?
- Where USMC earned blood stripe?
- Color of contour lines on map
- What is The President's Own ?
- Importance of mission?
- Is loyalty one way or two way?
- Ship sunk to start Spanish-American
- First Marine offensive battle ofWW
- Explain how to compute a back azimuth
- What are map elevations compared to?
- What does the CPL of the Guard do?
- Basic rule for praise and reprimand
- First thing you do at a campsite
- Direction of head and eyes during
dress right dress
- How long does it take to earn a good
conduct award?
- What award for attending 100% ofYM
- Do you raise colors fast or slow at
morning colors?
- What is the foot for command of execution
in "To the rear march?
- What is the length of a half step,
back step, side step?
- Command where you step off with your
right foot?
- What does Silver star signifies?
- Purpose of a training outline?
- Define National Ensign
- Most serious heat injury
- Year USMC emblem adopted
- In what view are most maps?
- Where was Boxer Rebellion?
- Define map scale 1:50,000
- Define esprit de corps Is discipline
- A standard grid square is equals to
- Battle where USMC earned name "devil dogs?"
- Where Marines first went ashore in
Viet Nam?
- Explain how to read grid coordinates
on a map
- Who is responsible for the guard?
- To whom does the CPL of the guard
report to?
- What flag can fly above the American
- Where you should and should not pitch